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Pirates, The 21st Century!
Ahoy Mates, The Captain n' crew be compilin' the most comprehensive pirate archive in history! This Pirate Archive be titled "Pirates, The 21st Century!" This archive be a dautin' task indeed, but naertheless, it be one worthy as well. Within the pages of this fine doctrine, ye shall find infermation regardin' all matters of piracy includin' language, traditions, ports of call, pirate bars n' restaurants, Captains, crews, ships, legends n' many other interesting facts, figures n' folklore. This archive be massive indeed, but be a worthly reference to those near n' far. Our crew be undertakin' this project with a minds eye on bein' the most comprehensive pirate publication ever produced! With that bein' said, there be opportunities fer ye n' yer crew to be included as ye may so desire. There be those that like pirates, then there be those that Be Pirates! The Governor n' the Crown don't determine if ye be a pirate. Ye unto yerself determine if ye be a true pirate. As such, ye have the sole authority to proclaim yerself a pirate, or merely a landlubber engaging in piracy. If ye be a true pirate at heart, we welcome ye with open arms and sheathed sword. Producin' an archive this massive n' complex takes time, coin, thorough research and tireless effort. The Captain be makin' this happen regardless of the winds aloft n' his intent be to provide the seven seas with the most complex, complete n' up to date archive of piracy this world has ever seen. There be many within The Captain's inner circle eager to take part in the production of this archive, each with a desire as well to be included within. Bein' a Captain of honor, respect and equality, The Captain has ruled it be unjust to only include a select few to become part of history in Pirates, The 21st Century! Therefore, in an effort to balance the sword of opportunity, The Captain be takin' requests fer submissions into this massive archive. Did we say this was going to be big? The Captain be lookin' fer all ages, all walks of life n' every notable pirate from seas to shinin' sea. This be an all inclusive Pirate Archive n' absolutely all pirates be welcome! Pictures must be pirate related or they be quickly tossed overboard. After careful consideration,The Captain has ruled the following conditions be warranted and shall apply:
There be many a category available fer submission of pictures n' content. Pictures submitted to The Captain fer inclusion be Royalty Free in nature and The Captain shall own all rights associated with submissions. The Archive shall be made available in both hard cover n' leather bound versions. A copy of the completed archive shall be donated to museums, libraries n' organizations deemed worthly of this fine relic. The Archive shall be published with an ISBN Number n' shall be entered into the Library of Congress as well. Procedes from sales shall be divided into three treasure chests. One treasure chest shall be filled with Gold Coins, one treasure chest shall have Silver Coins n' the third treasure chest shall be filled with Bronze Coins. Each treasure chest shall be hidden by The Captain with various clues carefully placed within the Archive. The Grand Reveal of the completed Archive shall be scheduled with advance notice to provide an opportunity fer pirates to attend. Fer those with a desire to be included in "Pirates, The 21st Century!", there be options!The Captain be includin' no less than one thousand photo's of individual pirates! In addition, The Captain be includin' group photo's of pirate crews near n' far. There be many a pirate interested in bein' a part of this archive n' The Captain has no desire to exclude any particular pirate, however, certain limits shall be set to avoid 1.2 million submissions fer review. Our crew be takin' submissions fer inclusion under various classifications such as individual pirates, pirate crews, ships, pirate bars & restaurants, pirate art, pirate effects, treasure maps, treasure chests n' everything else. If ye not sure what category yer picture belongs in, submit to Everything Else n' our crew shall re-classify if necessary. Fer those with a desire to simply have yer picture included, ye may submit yer picture fer consideration, free of charge. All pictures submitted shall be categorized n' voted upon by The Captain n' crew. At times, the pirate community shall be called upon to make varios "final decisions" via our Facebook Fan Page. ***To submit yer pictures n' content, send an email to PirateArchive at Pirates Buried Treasures dot com.***(no spaces between text fer email) Be sure to place yer Reservation Number in the subject line if ye be submittin' fer a Guaranteed Entry. Yer requested content should be included in the content block of yer email with yer desired pictures as attached files. Please do not include files of more than 1 MB per photo. Free submissions may be emailed or posted to our Facebook Fan Page at: Pirate's Buried Treasures Facebook Fan Page
Guaranteed Entry into Pirates, The 21st Century!If ye desire to provide a picture with a "Guaranteed Entry" into the Archive, there be a $10.00 fee. If ye desire to have a Guaranteed Entry of yer picture with written content (200 characters or less), there be a $15.00 fee. If ye desire to have a Guaranteed Entry of two pictures with written content (200 characters or less), there be a $25.00 fee. If ye desire to have a Guaranteed Entry of four pictures with written content (400 characters or less), there be a $45.00 fee. Guaranteed Entry of ten pictures with written content (400 characters or less), there be an $85.00 fee.
Pictures may be of anything "pirate" related! Ye, yer crew, yer pirate party, yer pirate life, etc, etc. If The Captain determines yer photo be not quite acceptable, the crew shall request an alternate photo, but The Captain be quite lenient on photo submissions! Once yer purchase had been made, the crew shall add yer reservation to the database. Ye shall receive yer reservation number with 48 hours of purchase. Ye may then submit yer photo's n' written content via email with yer reservation number placed within the subject line of yer email. Yer reservation number shall be yer discount code fer purchasing a copy of the Archive so keep it in a safe place like yer favorite treasure chest!. "Submission Request Guarantee Fer "Pirates, The 21st Century!"***Ye may submit yer pictures fer free fer consideration, but the Request Guarantee shall guarantee yer placement!***
***Pirate's purchasing a Guaranteed Entry Submission shall receive a 25% discount when purchasing a copy of the Archive.*** Guaranteed Entry fees be used to fund three hidden treasure chest associated with Pirates, The 21st Century! One Treasure Chest be of Gold Coins, one be of Silver Coins n' one be of Bronze Coins! Clues to each Treasure Chest shall be within the Archive! Captain Blue Eye be funding the research, production & distribution of this Archive. This archive shall be produced in both hard bound n' Limited Edition Leather Bound versions. Prices of each edition shall be established once the production volume quantities have been confirmed.
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